Week 45

Monday 061117 - Endurance 


Focus - 


40 Min EMOM 

1 - Cal Row - M - 18/15/12 F - 14-12-10

2 - 30 DU's + 10 KB swings 

3 - Burpee Box Overs 12/10/8 

4 - Rest



Tuesday 071117 - Strength


Activation - 


5 Min Amrap 


1+1, 2+2,3+3 etc


Focus - 


Off Every 3 Mins x 6 

Strict Press at %'s below

Straight Into 

5-10 Pull Ups 


Bar Starts From The Floor






Conditioning -  


15 Min Amrap 

10 Press Ups 

16 Farmers KB Lunge 

36 Du's 

Every 3 Mins 5 Burpees 



Wednesday 081117 - Power 


Activation - 


Barbell Warm Up x 3 Add Load

5 Kang Squats 

5 Hang Power Cleans 

5 Jerks


Focus - 


8 Mins Max

Power Clean and Jerk 


Every 30 Seconds x 8 Mins 

2 Power Clean and Jerk 

Aim is Touch and Go 


Conditioning -  


Between 2 People 


Row 3km 

Only 250 at a time 

5 Thrusters at 40/25 after each row 



Thursday 091117 - Strength


Activation - 


3 Rounds 

10 Good Mornings 

5 Broad Jumps 


Focus - 


Every 2 Mins x 6

Deadlift at Below Reps and %






Rest 2 Mins 


10 Min EMOM 

1 - 6-8 Burpees Over The Bar

2 - 15 KB Swings 


Rest 5 Mins 


In Pairs 

9 Min Amrap 

50 Wall Balls 

50 Box Jumps 



Friday 101117 - Midline


Activation - 


3 Rounds 

10 Tempo Ring Row 3-0-3-0

2 Wall Climbs 


Focus - 


In 6 Mins

Find a Heavy TGU 

Rest 2 Mins 

5 Rounds

3 TGU @ 2 Loads below max 

30 Sec Wall Facing HS Hold 

Run 200m 


Conditioning -  


12 Min Amrap 

50ft OH Lunge 


50ft OH Carry 

20 Hollow Rocks 

30 Sec High Ring Hold 


Strength is a choice…choose to be strong