Monday 09012016
Activation -
3 x
10 Good Mornings
5 Front Squats
3 x High Hang/Hang/Full Clean
Focus -
15 Mins To Find Max Clean
Then Every 30 Seconds for 10 MIns
1 Clean at 75%
Conditioning -
In Pairs 10 Min TC
3 Rounds
40 Cal Row
120 DU's
30 KB Thrusters @12/8
Tuesday 10012016
Activation -
2 x
1 mIn Plank
45 sec Side Plank Pulse ES
1 Min Overhead BB Hold
Focus -
100m Front Rack KB Carry
30ft Box Push
Accessory -
3x20 Hanginig Hip Touch
Conditioning -
Go home and get ready to squat tomorrow
Wednesday 11012016
Activation -
3 x
10 Wall Squats
20 Walking Lunges
2 Turkish Get Ups
Fous -
12 Mins To Find a Max Back Squat
Then 6x2 @80%
Accessory -
40 KB Step Ups - 2 Sets max
120 Walking Lunges
Conditioning -
5 min time cap
75 Burpees
Thursday 12012016
Activation -
3 x
Row 250
30 Lunges
1 Mn Handstand Hold
Focus -
In Pairs 8 x
90 sec work 30 sec rest
1 Person Rowing For Max Metres
1 Person AMRP
3 Thrusters @40/25
6 Toes To Bar
9 Box Jumps
Switch Activity in the 30 sec rest
Friday 13012016
Activation -
Shoulder Mobility
Then 21-15-9
Scap Pull Ups
Scap Push Ups
Focus -
Pull Ups, Toes To Bar, Bar Muscle Ups
20 Mins to work on one of your choice.
Conditioning -
3 Rounds
Run 400m
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups