Week 28

Monday 11072016


Activation –


5 Mins

20 Lateral Lunges

10 KB Swings

10 Sit Ups


Focus –


EMOM 14 Mins

1 - 5 Burpees, 10 Box Jumps

2 - 10 KB Snatch, 20 Du's


Rest 5 Mins


EMOM 14 Mins

1 - 10 Pull Ups, 1 Wall Climb

2 - Cal Row 12/10



Tuesday 12072016


Activation –


3 Rounds

10 Back Extension Pass Over

10 Lunge Shoulder Dislocates

10 Bottom up KB Press


Focus –


Handstand Work :

Handstand Kick Up

Lower To Head Stand

Load Hand Stand Push Up


Conditioning -



6 KB Swings

6 Burpees


Wednesday 13072016


Activation –


5 Mins

10 Ball Slams

30 Sec Side Plank Each Side


Focus –


5 Rounds

30 Sec Chinese Plank

10 Half Turkish Get Ups

10 KB Halo


Conditioning -


In Pairs 12 Min Amrap

I Go You Go


30 ft Bear Crawl

10 Cal Row


Thursday 14072016


Activation –


3 Rounds

30 Sec Cones

10 Jumping Lunges

30 Sec PLank


Focus –


5x4 Front Squat @ 75%


Between Each Set

10 Pull Ups - Strict Or Kip

10 Press Ups


Conditioning -


5 Rounds

7 Deadlifts @100/70

8 Pistols

9 Toes To Bar


Friday –


Activation –


5 x Front Squat

5 x Front Squat + Press

5 x Thrusters

5 x High Hang Clean + Push Jerk

5 x Hang Clean + Split Jerk


Focus –


In 10 Mins

Build to a Heavy Clean and Jerk



1 Clean and Jerk at 80%


Conditioning -


10 Mins For Form


10 KB Bent Over Row EA

10 KB Curl

10 Barbell Skull Crushers.

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong