Week 45


Monday 07112016


Activation - 


2 x 

10 SA OH Lunge L

15 Min Inch Worms

10 SAOH Lunge R


Focus - 


Ring Work

Ball Ups

Skin The Cats



Conditioning - 


In Pairs

15 Mins Max Distance Row

Only row 250 sprints at a time



Tuesday 08112016


Activation - 


2 x 

1 min SL SA Alternating Plank

30 Side Plank Pulses ES


Focus - 


5 Rounds

1 Min Chinese Plank

10 Knee Raises/Barbell Leg Raises


Conditioning - 


15-12-9 @12/8

KB Goblet Squats

KB Push Press

KB Calf Raises

Run 200m

Each Round Must Be Unbroken


Wednesday 09112016


Activation - 


3 x 

20 Side Lying Leg Raises

30 Sec Arm Bar EA

5 KB Curl To Bottom Up Press EA



Focus -


Push Press 

10 Mins 3rm For the Day

Every 2 Mins for 10 Mins

10 KB Step Ups @16/8


Conditioning - 


10 Mins For Form

4 Pull Ups

8 Press Ups

12 Barbell Curls


Thursday 10112016


Activation -


3 x

10 RDL

5 Hang Power Cleans

3 Broad Jumps


Focus -


8 Mins Build to Heavy Power Clean


8 Min EMOM

1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean

@70% of Above


Conditioning - 


In 3 Mins 

Run 200m

Amrap Burpee Box Jumps

Rest 1 Min

In 3 Mins 

Run 200m

Amrap Ball Slams


Friday 11112016


Activation - 


3 x

10 Good Mornings

1 Front Rack Lunges

Run 100m


Focus - 



1 - 200m Run

2 - 5 Deadlift @100/60 + 20 Air squats



1 - 12 KB Swings@24/16 + 6 Chest To Bar Pull Ups

2 - 250m Row


Cool Down - 


2 Min Couch Stretch EL

2 Min Hamstring Stretch EL

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong