
HG3 Barbell Club - going from strength to strength!

Captain Coop

Captain Coop

Recently we decided to extend our Olympic lifting classes. It is something that we tried to do about two years ago, but guess people just weren't ready for it then. We have slowly built up from our Sunday Service offering to establishing the HG3 Barbell Club, which meets 3 times a week. This time the take up for the classes has simply blown us away.  We have seen the classes practically full every session and people really embracing the opportunity to refine their Snatch and Clean and Jerk. 

In the first 4 weeks we concentrated on the lifts from scratch. Going though drills and the key points to lifting correctly and safely. From this we moved to refine those movements, making slight adjustments and looking at the finer, more detailed points of the lifts. Session after session we saw the same faces coming back, eager for more. After talking with everyone, we decided it would be great to work on a 3 session, 12 week progressive cycle, more as an experiment to see the results this would have on our lifters, and how it differed from their CrossFit training. 

We are now into week 5 of that cycle and moving into our base phase. Already the improvements in technique have been awesome. Those that have regularly attended the session have seen the biggest gains. From this week will see the fun really begin as the intensity builds.

Wish you had come?…….well it’s not too late to start! 

Although these guys are working through their programme doesn’t mean we are a closed shop, and we welcome all new lifters within HG3 or outside. If you want to get involved, and we highly encourage you do, speak to Rudds and we can get you on board. 

We use the Olympic lifts and their power variations to support a lot of the work we do on our CrossFit programme. It is therefore essential that the lifts are learnt correctly and executed safely to really get the most out of what we do here at HG3. So why not give it a try, get involved in the HG3 BarBell club.