HG3 Mobility Class

Over the last few months we have seen more and more people taking mobility seriously and taking more time to stretch and mobilise. We have been getting a good few questions about what works best for which movements so we thought we would help out. 

We are going to start a Mobility class on a Sunday morning at 9am. This class will work on different movements over time and will focus on one movement for two to three weeks in a row. This will help you understand which stretches help the most and so you can benefit from them on a regular basis. We will also be looking at the programming for the week ahead and stretching to benefit the sessions coming up. 

Each session will be led and planned so all you have to do is turn up and get involved. We will use static, dynamic and banded stretching, trigger point work and also relaxation techniques during each session. There will be an emphasis on breathing and time in each position and you will learn how to control each stretch to gain the most from it. 

The sessions will benefit anyone and any ability levels. We also want to open it up to non HG3 members. If you know of anyone who needs help with mobility, please do let us know. 

We hope to be able to add in a second class a week if the demand is there for it. 

Booking can be done through team up and will be £3.50 per session. Each session will be limited to 10 people so we can make sure you are being guided and led though the session. 

If you have any questions please do let us know and we will be happy to help.

The first session will be held on Sunday the 22nd of March at 9am.

Get booking yourself on guys.