Additional classes at HG3

Happy New Year!

With a new year comes more changes at HG3, this time in the shape of our timetable. We are now happy announce new opening hours and additional classes giving you more opportunity to train.

New to Tuesday and Thursday


CrossFit Class  0700-0800

Strong Mums    0930-1030

Open Gym        1030-1200  New! 

CrossFit Class  1200-1300  New! 

Open Gym        1330-1800  New!

CrossFit Class  1800-1900

CrossFit Class  1900-2000  New for Tuesday!

This gives you more opportunity to train on a Tuesday and Thursday outside of class sessions.

Another exciting change comes to Saturday!

Due to the huge success of the HG3 CrossFit Kids classes, we are now running 2 sessions on a Saturday morning, 0800-0900 and 0900-1000, in addition to our Teens class on a Wednesday at 1600-1700. This is fantastic news and we look forward to welcoming more little ninjas to HG3! 

This change means that the Saturday morning class will now start at 9.30am. The structure will be a 20 minute brief and warm up, then kick off the WoD just after 10. The Kids class will be running in the annex so your consideration to our ninjas in training is appreciated. The WoD will be time capped, so we shall finish no later than 10.45am. We hope this works for everyone. 

A note about open gym 

Whilst we want to try and accommodate everyone with their training we must stress that class coaching must take priority. For that reason there is no Open Gym during class times - this does not affect those that have booked in and are working on substituted/modified programs, due to injury etc by prior consultation with your coaches.

I’m waiting...

As the classes get busier, the waiting list is starting be used a lot more. If you are on the waiting list and someone drops out of the class you will get an email asking you to book onto the class. If you don't respond within 30 mins the email will go to the next person on the list and you move to the back of the queue. This is just the way the system works. Please make sure that if you are on the waiting list that you do not just chance it and arrive at the gym to see if someone does not turn up. The classes are limited to 12 people for many reasons, safety, quality of coaching and equipment demands being top of the list. If you turn up and are not on the list, I'm afraid we may ask you to wait for the next class. 

Any questions or suggestions, please do let us know. 


HG3 coaching team  

Andy Ruddick

Rudds is Co-owner of director of training at CrossFit HG3. He is a Level 2 Olympic Weightlifting Coach, Crossfit Trainer and Personal Trainer. He also runs HG3 Kids programme from their Strength and Conditioning facility in Pannal, Harrogate.