The biggest thing for me at HG3 is the support

I have been doing CrossFit for 2 years and been at HG3 for 18months. Over these 18months I’ve felt myself change not only with my body shape, strength and weight, all which is very the positive. But also it has increased my self esteem, confidence and overall outlook to being healthy and happy with who I am !! The coaches at HG3 are pretty amazing with their structure of the classes to their knowledge and patience, I have learnt a lot from them and no doubt will continue as I carry on CrossFit.
The biggest thing for me at HG3 is the support you get from everyone overall and not just in classes, when doing a workout etc. The atmosphere does make you feel like you are part of a family and welcome, which I felt the first time I stepped through the door. I have made some great friends and got to experience some pretty amazing things with these people. So if you are looking for a gym with a great atmosphere, excellent coaching and a fun way to get fit and healthyI can honestly say look no further!!
— Jess Large

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Huge positive impacts on my everyday life

I joined CrossfitHG3 as I wanted strength and conditioning to support my marathon training, having previously suffered with repeated injuries, and with 3 previous failed attempts to gain a sub-4 hour marathon time.
What I hadn’t bargained for was the huge positive impacts on my everyday life as well as significant noticeable benefits to my running within a few weeks. I feel so much stronger generally, have vastly improved mobility and have really noticed the benefits all round.
Aside from that, it’s huge fun and yes, I managed a 3:56 time comfortably this year at last!
— Kati Tyler

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Patient, professional, inspirational

Unfit, out of shape, yet full of good intentions to do something about it. Took me over a year to build up the courage to make that first step through the doors at HG3, having driven there more than once to ‘take a look’ but scurrying home again, telling myself I’d make a fool of myself.

Approaching my mid-forties, I decided to take the plunge. Preparation? A hangover from hell. Nerves? Off the scale. Gym attire? Circa 1985. The welcome? Amazing. The induction? challenging! The Coaches? Patient, professional, inspirational.
Everything you’ve read about HG3 is true, and it’s all down to Pete & Rudds. I’ve started from scratch. I’ve watched, listened, and persevered, all under their instruction and encouragement. The results are staggering. The camaraderie fantastic.
Walking through the door was the hard part…
— Mark Haveron

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Discover that you can do more than you ever thought...

I have been a member of Crossfit HG3 for two years and truly believe it is the best gym in Harrogate.
If you are prepared to work hard, then the results will come.I am lifting more and am fitter than I was 25 years ago.
In addition to the enthusiastic, quality training, led by Pete and Rudds, there is a lively and spirited community approach.
Celebration drinks, BBQs and special events such as Acrobalance, Paleo Diet Seminars and Running Workshops, all add to the fun.
My kids both attend the Crossfit Kids classes and are similarly enthused.
If you are bored with the classic gym approach of 20 minutes on a jogger followed by 20 minutes doing bicep curls, then give it a try.
Be prepared to discover that you can do more than you ever thought possible and enjoy the handstand photos on Facebook!
— Kevin Fullwood

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

World class...

After 15 years of working in the physical activity, health and sport science industries, from Premier League football through to the private health club industry, I can honestly say that Pete and Andy are the best functional strength coaches I’ve met. Their ability to balance detailed technical advice with a fun and informal atmosphere and more importantly to understand and cater for the capabilities of each individual, whilst delivering group sessions that engage everyone are absolutely World class. Although I joined HG3 primarily to improve my athletic performance the life changing difference is that I can now carry my beautiful two-year-old daughter around without getting tired
— Tom Williams, Managing Director parkrun UK and seven time Ironman finisiher

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Challenging, addictive, frustrating and rewarding...





Approaching my mid thirties I realised my waist and chest measurements were rapidly converging and that this was not a good thing. Two years and a variety of training regimens later my overall fitness was improved but those two figures remained stubbornly static.
I was introduced to Crossfit two years ago by a friend who had achieved very impressive and visible results - In that time I can safely say I have never come across anything that is as challenging, addictive, frustrating and rewarding.
For me, three things account for the difference between Crossfit and those other programmes.
Firstly, Crossfit emphasises the fact that good nutrition is at least if not more important than type and volume of training and provides practical support to ditch bad habits.
Secondly, the sense of community - In your own box you will be actively supported by members and coaches (a.k.a. friends) to overcome weaknesses and keep getting better; you will be welcomed into other boxes in the UK and internationally.
Thirdly, families are welcomed just as much as individual members. My wife is a regular attendee at the Strong Mums class and for both my children, Crossfit Kids is a highlight of their week. This family friendliness also makes it easy for my wife to keep up her training during school holidays.
The downside? Having to replace my wardrobe on a regular basis as those stubborn measurements become increasingly divergent!
— Chris Neiger

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

Constantly striving to make the gym better...

Crossfit started to interest me in about 2010. Unfortunately, I had a pretty negative experience when visiting another crossfit gym in the area for a try-out. The manager was more interested in showing me how good he was and checking his email rather than providing me with any meaningful introduction. I came away from the experience very disappointed and decided to give Crossfit a miss. In 2013, I heard there was a second gym in the area. Talk about night and day. CrossfitHG3 is managed by the two owners, Pete and Ruds, which makes all the difference. They’re laid back and approachable but at the same time they’re on the ball, making sure you’re pushing yourself but safely within your limits of your strength and technique. The workouts are all inclusive so there’s alway options to scale back to something that’s within your capability. Pete and Rudds are constantly striving to make the gym better and improve the experience for their members. I do quite a lot of cycling for cardio fitness so the strength and conditioning I’m gaining through crossfit is complimenting this perfectly. I look forward to getting more involved with the club and seeing how it and I develop. Thanks guys!
— Matt Newton

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

The best decision I ever made...

The best decision I ever made was choosing Crossfit HG3 as my new road of fitness.
Heard a lot about Crossfit through friends and various websites but you have to experience the professionalism and amazing atmosphere that is Crossfit HG3.
The coaches are top class. Always there to offer great advice and never slack when It comes to keeping you in check when your form is lacking or needs adjusting. Which is a massive bonus to people new to any sort of physical activity as it can only prolong your exercise regime. To sum up, I recommend Crossfit HG3 to anyone who is looking to get into Crossfit.
— James Cooper

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong

I noticed how much stronger I was becoming...

Having completed many boring gym sessions over the years I was preparing for a New World Record called running a marathon and cycling 100 each day for 7 days Lands End to John O’groats, a friend suggested i joined them for a Crossfit Training Session at HG3, having never heard of Crossfit i went along then joined the foundation course and after a couple of months i noticed how much stronger i was becoming on the bike and running… 4 months later in July 2013 the World Record was achieved and i am convinced this was due to adding Crossfit training into my schedule..
I now continue to attend Crossfit HG3 every week and enjoy the diversity of the training sessions, every sessions is totally different and constantly learning new skills & improving others, the coaches Andy and Pete provide amazing one to one support and encouragement on each session and with sessions running every morning, and mid week evenings this provides me with the flexibility my family & business diary demands…
— Andy North - Ultra 6

Strength is a choice…choose to be strong